The Challenges and Successes of North South Co-operation – the NSMC at 25


Monday 9 September 2024 from 11.00am to 4:30pm

This seminar, organised by The Irish Association, brought together over ten distinguished speakers, including Bertie Ahern and Reg Empey, who addressed this topic, reviewing the North South Ministerial Council from a range of perspectives, including its establishment and its challenges; the views of those who have been directly involved over the years; and consideration of Strand Two – what's next?

The North South Ministerial Council (NSMC) was established under the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement (1998), to develop consultation, co-operation and action within the island of Ireland. 

The Irish Association acknowledge the support of the Irish Government for this seminar through the Shared Island Initiative. 

The Canada Room, Queen's University, Belfast

The seminar was held in the Canada Room and Council Chamber in Queen's University, Belfast – a magnificent maple-panelled space on the first-floor of the Lanyon Building with large windows looking out over views across the lawns. 

Canada Room and Council Chamber in Queen’s University, Belfast
Canada Room and Council Chamber in Queen’s University, Belfast
A PDF showing the speakers at the seminar and the schedule for the day is available here to view or download.